Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Cat Returns Bearing Gifts

I've been like a cat and for that I apologize. Anyone who has a cat knows how they can disappear for a few hours or even days. Just when you begin to wonder where they might be, they show up as if nothing has changed.

Fellow writer friends tell me that disappearing down the rabbit hole of our imaginations is a pretty common trait among creative folk. I'm back for now and I'm bringing a book with me. I'm putting the finishing touches on in as we speak (book flap copy, cover edits, etc.)

Chasing Peace will be available shortly and by that I mean days, not weeks.

There are many of you in line to receive an advance copy. Never fear, they're coming by the end of this week.

Stay tuned for a sneak peek at the new cover art and maybe a passage or two.

I've also started a new book. I may disappear again as I work through it and for that I apologize in advance, but at least you'll have something new to read while I'm gone.

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