Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chasing Peace is here

Today has finally arrived. Chasing Peace is now out in the world.

Sometimes you have to let your past catch up to you in order to get ahead.

Sterling Adams is done with the detritus and disappointments that have plagued her life. She heads off to college with established rules and boundaries designed to keep her safe. Then she runs into Boston.

Boston Massey knows what he wants. He’s already dealt with the privilege and neglect of his childhood, and he’s the best thing that ever happened to Sterling.

This is my first full-length novel and boy did I learn a lot.

You can buy the book at Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Au and everywhere else Amazon sells right now for $3.99. The folks in Australia already started buying. Thanks guys! Must be nice to be a day ahead of us huh?

If you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can read it for FREE. Yep, I said FREE!

Chasing Peace is only available in eBook form right now, but I'm venturing into the realm of print with this book so stay tuned for the print version if that's what floats your boat.

Don't forget to sign up for my email list, the Foxx Squad (to the right), to get updates on new releases, free samples, advance copies and sometimes free giveaways.

Here's to happy reading!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chasing Peace cover revealed

Seems like I've been waiting on this forever. Can you say ANTICIPATION?

I love Boston (sorry husband) he's been my main man for the past year. How could I not fall in love?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Cat Returns Bearing Gifts

I've been like a cat and for that I apologize. Anyone who has a cat knows how they can disappear for a few hours or even days. Just when you begin to wonder where they might be, they show up as if nothing has changed.

Fellow writer friends tell me that disappearing down the rabbit hole of our imaginations is a pretty common trait among creative folk. I'm back for now and I'm bringing a book with me. I'm putting the finishing touches on in as we speak (book flap copy, cover edits, etc.)

Chasing Peace will be available shortly and by that I mean days, not weeks.

There are many of you in line to receive an advance copy. Never fear, they're coming by the end of this week.

Stay tuned for a sneak peek at the new cover art and maybe a passage or two.

I've also started a new book. I may disappear again as I work through it and for that I apologize in advance, but at least you'll have something new to read while I'm gone.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh the perils of Who Hair

Who knew my hair might affect my writing? Turns out it does. You see, I have Who hair today and it ain't the pretty updo of Cindy Loo Who.

I woke up this morning looking a whole lot like Thing 1 and Thing 2. The only saving grace? My hair wasn't blue.

That's what I get for thinking that washing my hair last night would make for a faster morning. If you've ever had Who hair then you know just what I mean.

Excuse me now while I go turn the garden hose on my head so I can get back to my writing.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Crossing the line

Think about the last time you crossed a line. No, not that kind of line. Okay, maybe that kind of line because what I’m talking about here is the line that distinguishes the person you were before from the person you are now. You often cross over with only one step, one choice, or one decision.

Sometimes the line is small. Other times it’s a gaping yawning line the size of the grand canyon. Sometimes it's ordinary and only visible in hindsight. Other times it's a conscious choice. Sometimes it’s easy to go back, fall back into old habits, destructive decisions, a comfortable path, the path of least resistance. Other times there’s no going back. I’ve heard from people who took the donkey ride to the bottom of the canyon only to say they would never, ever do it again. Yeah, sometimes it’s that kind of line.

Sterling has crossed a few lines in her past. She’s made choices that have changed her life. Will guilt and regret rule her future or can she learn to forgive herself and hold her head high as she, like the rest of us, moves toward the line up ahead, where sky meets earth.

Watch for Sterling’s story titled Life Disconnected coming in March to your favorite book retailer.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Watch for BOLD, Our New Book Coming Monday

Keep your eyes out for BOLD available on Amazon Monday. It's the second episode from the Full-Bodied Collection, continuing Harper and Mason's story. Check out the cover.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Courageous Has Arrived

As promised, Courageous is now available. This is the first part of Abbi's story. Here's the link to Courageous and a description:

Abbi, a college freshman, has trouble with men and she knows exactly why. She wanted to fix it. She tried to be like everyone else in high school, but they all knew who she really was. They all knew her secret and she couldn't get past it.

Now away from that small-town judgement, in a much larger community, she can blend in. They don’t know her. They don’t know her past. But she does. Abbi is her own worst enemy. If only she can get past the first time, but to do that, she’ll have to get beyond the whispers in her mind. 

Then she finds Dominic. He’s a little older, a little wiser and a whole lot sexier than anyone from back home. He takes charge and what happens next will make Abbi whole or it will break her. Either way, it changes their lives forever.